domingo, 7 de agosto de 2011

Holidays – My last day off work

This is my last day off! Too bad my holidays are almost finished but at the same time I am really excited about getting back to work. This is going to a tough semester! Anyway, I really tried to make the most of my free time so I went to another beach yesterday in the morning. This is called Gramame beach. It is indeed such a lovely place, quite beautiful with some great beautiful places to take pictures of.

There are plenty of nice restaurants to choose from, and food is just splendid and rather cheap too! The weather wasn’t so nice but this is expected as we are still at the end of summer. It will be much more beautiful in the following months. It was certainly a delightful day!












sexta-feira, 5 de agosto de 2011

A day at the nude beach

Tambaba beach is about 30km away from where I live. Known by many around the world, the beach held an international naturist meeting two years ago. So, willing to make the most of the rest of my holidays I just woke up as early as I could, had breakfast, got my camera and went straight to the beach. It took 40 minutes to get there but I was in no hurry. 

This kid helps his father sell fruits by the roadside. 

On arriving on the beach you have this lovely view from above. It is important to point out that the beach is split into two different areas. The first one is the so-called option area where you don’t have to take your clothes off to get in. The second area, however, you MUST take your clothes off to get in. Moreover, a man needs to be with a woman to be able to enter the nude side. Men unaccompanied simply can’t go in.  

It was so quiet over there. I walked for hours without seeing one single person.  I was great to be on my own with this tremendous feeling of freedom completely away from the city. It was truly fantastic, besides, I was badly needing it! 

                                                 Walking around with my camera

                                                       Nude part – Main entrance 

                                                                 Cool souvenir

quarta-feira, 3 de agosto de 2011

A nice day with some friends

What could be possibly better than spend the day with your friends?  That’s how I spent my day today it was great! Of course my dear camera was always with me. 

I just can’t wait for the summer to arrive as it is always beautiful here. I should have my new toys by the beginning of December, so there will be lots of new pictures. I can’t exactly say I am deeply in love with My Sony Nex3.  It is an okay camera but I need something more than that. I hope I make up my mind by December. We’ll see. 

At the coffee shop. 
At the restaurant. 

Sony HX9

Uma excelente câmera da Sony. A Sony tem se mostrado cada vez mias forte no mercado de câmeras, um segmento que foi dominado pela Canon por muito tempo. Interessante ressaltar, também, que a Canon depois da Canon Powershot S5 IS, teve uma grande fatia do mercado abocanhada pela Sony, Olympus e mais recentemente no mercado de Superzoom, a Nikon. A Pentax só recentemente entrou no nessa categoria, produzindo boas câmeras, mas nunca boas o suficiente para ficar entre as top 3.  

Acabei de ler vários reviews da HX9 e fiquei bastante impressionado. Com 16.2 Megapixel e o sensor CMOS, a HX9 se mostrou muito robusta e com uma desempenho excelente..  O Background Defocus  dela funcionou muito bem e a qualidade de imagem é realmente muito, mas muito boa mesmo. Filma em HD, controlou de maneira bem satisfatória o Chromatic aberrations. Me parece que os fabricantes estão implantando cada vez mais o Decofus Backgraound que dá um ar de maior profissionalismo nas imagens já que deixa o objeto central focado e o fundo todo desfocado, muito comum nas câmeras com sensores maiores e de lentes intercambiáveis. 

A HX9 certamente estará na lista para o final do ano, quando pretendo comprar duas câmeras e tirar muitas fotos neste verão. Agora vou ao shopping aproveitar os meus últimos dias de férias. Trarei mais fotos quando voltar.

segunda-feira, 1 de agosto de 2011

Fotos da Semana

O finalmente de semana foi bem nublado, aliás, estranho já que ficava ensolarado durante toda manhã e, de repente, vinha uma chuva que parecia que ia inundar tudo. Em meio a toda essa incerteza eu até pensei que não daria para sair e muito menos fotografar. Por volta das 4 da tarde a chuva deu uma trégua e mesmo estando no inverno vislumbrei a possibilidade de tirar algumas fotos do pôr do sol em uma belíssima praia, chamada praia do jacaré.

Nunca uso photoshop nas imagens, gosto que publicar do jeito que saem da máquina. Concuto reconheço que deixo de publicar muita coisa por conta desta decisão.

Abaixo, as fotos...