quarta-feira, 24 de abril de 2013


Winter has definitely arrived here. It’s been raining quite a lot these days, which is a clear indication that winter’s started. Good change for sure, but it’s quite bad for taking pictures. Anyway, here is a photo I took last Sunday Sunday. 


4 comentários:

  1. Well it looks like we are the opposite of seasons, Spring has now started, which is our rainy season too, but much warmer now. Although our hottest day in summer is probably your coldest!

    Great picture, cheers! : )

  2. I can't figure out where you are located! But that winter picture definitely doesn't look too bad.

  3. Oh I just saw the translate button that you are in Portugal? Can that be right?

  4. Oh, no! I am from Brazil. I live in a city called João Pessoa, which is in the Northeast part of the country. The weather here is mostly sunny but of course because winter is coming we are experiencing more and more rain. Thanks for your comments. :)
