domingo, 8 de fevereiro de 2015

My experience with The Vegetable Union Tea - Part 2

The Big Day

The day started off very nicely. I woke up at seven, had breakfast as I normally did but I just avoided junk food. If I was to see my parents, my friend and all the loved ones who are no long with us I just wanted my body to be as clean as possible. Deliah phoned me right after I finished my breakfast and invited me to have lunch at our favorite restaurant. She was so happy, she was all smilie but a bit anxious. I was curious and anxious. At times some thoughts of what could pop up as soon as I got the "borracheira" came to my mind but I soon put it aside and tried to look at the bright side. We decided to head the farm where the tea meeting was going to be held at 6pm. The whole ceremony, per se, would only start at 7 and would finish at 11.

After lunch I came back home, used he computer for some time and of course did some research on the tea you know got some people's experience with it and found out it varies quite a lot. Everyone has a different life experience and background, so, the effect of the tea only exteriorizes what you have inside of you, therefore, if you have too many bad things it will show. To be honest the idea of you expose yourself wasn't a comfortable one. Anyway, despite all my fears I really wanted to go through it. Besides, luckily, I would be able to see my mother and father, my friend and some more people.

It was 5:50 and Deliah was outside my house waiting for me. I got into her car and she soon smiled and asked me how I was feeling. We chatted briefly about the whole ceremony. I kept asking about the number of people in the place how many starters would be there and she assured me that wasn't going to be the only one.

- The tea is a little bitter, you know? she said.

- Oh, okay that's the least of my worries. I replied. We laughed.

It took us approximately one hour to get to the farm. On arriving there I instantly saw there were over 80 people. The place was enormous and at its highest point there was a huge terrace, with lots of comfortable chairs. She told me that the organizers had spent the night and the whole day preparing the tea that was going to be served.

I soon noticed there were some tables with what they called starters (those who were going to drink the tea for the first time). I quickly joined the table. Everyone was in a good mood. They welcome me, I sat down and joined the conversation. The big question floating there was about what can possibly happen during the tea session.

I could also see there was a huge table with lots of food, mainly light food like vegetables, juice and fruits, maybe some hem, cheese and bread. Deliah had advised me not to eat a lot as vomiting would be a real possibility so I didn't eat much.

It was finally almost 7pm when I noticed people were walking up the hill. There I was going to drink the tea for the first time. I looked around and it was all dark with trees everywhere. I looked back and saw the food, the bathrooms and the cars parked down there all getting smaller and smaller. I knew there was not way out.

Up there, were members of the Union of Vegetable. Because it is mounted on hierarchy, the master is the one who was going to put the amount of tea in our glasses. I was sitting on a chair up right a few meters from my friend. From where I was sitting I could see this gigantic bowl filled with this dark orange liquid. That was the tea! The master welcome everyone and explained we should line up. The old members would be given the tea first and the starts would come right after. So, we lined up, glasses in hand. I getting closer and closer.

I began thinking about my life and how I was leading it. What am I doing with my life? How am I going to live having lost my parents and my best friend in such short period of time? My relationship with my sister is a non-existent one it is the same for uncles, aunts and cousins. I knew I was literally alone. Weirdly, it didn't scare me. I had this unexplainable confidence that everything was going to be fine. I felt blessed and protected in a way that it is difficult to explain. From the outside it looked terrible. From the inside it was okay for me.



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